Monday, June 25, 2012

jovial june

Happy Father's Day Dad! 
The kids came in shifts outside so I could take their pictures for Dad for Father's Day.
Dass was a natural...
for most of the shots! Here I think she looks just like Gampy! 
We had a little trouble sitting still
so I tried sticking the letters in between buttons :)
I love this face
This one made the cut :)
Can you tell who's hand that is? Hint: Notice the dirt all over the hand.
"Dad, we love you SO much!"
Lily painted this "G" for Josh (double meaning: Golackson & Green Bay!)
Here's the artist at work

Finger Painting Cade
So far we've got two lefties in the family!
The Focused One
Kisses from Vivi
This is our last couple months of homeschool on a chart. What satisfaction to get all the squares filled in!
All these workbooks are completed! I didn't think it would be possible when I got them in the mail last summer. Our first year we used lots of random books. This year we did almost all workbooks. Next year we're looking at a mix. You live and you learn :).
Now for the celebration! Our friend Meredith joined us for lunch at Cabana- a Chinese/ Italian Restaurant nearby. 
We completed First Grade! Yeay!!!
Lily holding baby Gretta during library time 
 The Statue of Liberty! Austin's favorite!
 Band Name: The Readers
 For our monthly story time, we decided to have a rummage sale for the kids! They brought their toys and their allowance. It was adorable to watch.
 The girls were like magnets to Vivi's Tiny Tinker bell Doll she brought to sell. When they kept asking, "How much?" she replied, "No! That's mine!"
 Cade and Lily had to adjust their prices quite a bit from kuai to mao. For example, Cade's used, bitten football was priced at 50 kuai (almost $8). He settled for 5 mao (about 8 cents). 
 Before Nate and Kayleigh moved (Cade & Lily's best friends), they stayed up until 10:30 or so playing  flashlight tag and hide and seek in the courtyard with the dads. They had a blast. 
 me holding this sweet little baby before a hike through the woods on a mountain near by
 We went with a group of families that Josh has been getting to know. It was so refreshing and fun.
 Vet Vera loved it
 I can just smell the leaves
 Water Lilies! Lily's favorite!
 pass the baby
 What a bridge!
 crazy family
 Family & Friends!
 The Gold Fish were wild...
 They try to eat just about anything we put on the end of a stick.

 Our version of a picnic

 Our friends' version of a picnic
(shoes remained on)

 The Look of Adventure
 Hold on tight!
 There goes Cade!
 On his way back after being turned around at the other end
"That was the funnest thing I ever did in my life!" was Cade's response to this adventure.

 bumper cars in the middle of the woods
 A family was "picnicking" in the same area we were in. The son came up to us and spoke an obviously previously memorized bout of English for about five minutes straight. His mom was very proud since he attends a very prestigious middle school. Our friends shared a lot with them about love and grace. It was a special time- especially watching the boys play together despite their differences!


 This was an fun find for me. Growing up, I LOVED taping pictures and posters to the wall. Previous to this day, I had control over the bulletin boards (mostly bc no one else seemed interested in doing the hanging). Lily "rearranged" hers a bit after finding and printing Rapunzel pics off the computer. Today (about 2 weeks later) (sorry Granny, Phil & Danielle), it is entirely covered with scenes from her favorite movie!
 Hudson enjoying his visit in the jumparoo
(We are going to miss you!!) (His family is moving in July :( )
 Don't let this innocent look fool you
Family Night! We found a fun family activity idea on where you do something fun with your family and then get a badge for it throughout the summer. We got our first badge for roasting marshmallows and playing a memorization game "I am going to the moon and bringing..." It was a nice time and the mosquitos were few!
Ci ci on her way to Dassah's Birthday Party
June 23rd, Hadassah Marie turned 4 years old! 
 Half the balloons in the pack were blank, half were Winnie the Pooh, and one lucky duck was Wall-E the Robot!
 Hadassah opening her present from Nai nai and Ye ye. It was her idea to sit in the chair. She is a calm and quiet assertive one.
 (she knew what was inside because she picked it out. She couldn't WAIT to rip it open)
 It's a little Polly Pocket Tangled Set- Rapunzel, Eugene, The Horse, The Chameleon and even a lantern came together.
 This was Hadassah's face the rest of the day. Before and after she bubbled with excitement outwardly, but during the party, she kept calm. 
 Dass wanted a costume party! At the party we made paper lions, dogs and pigs.
 A couple days before the party, Lily was eager to write encouragement on each on of the gift bags. She has such a compassionate heart.
 Here she was Hadassah's mouthpiece slash servant. She handed Dassah each of her presents and then proceeded to thank the giver, since Hadassah remained motionless and speechless. It was the cutest thing.

 At this point in the party, Hadassah was dressed as a gymnist.
 Hadassah sat still while Lily dressed her with her new gifts! 
 A dollie from mom and dad- maybe not a huge hit
 Sweet Eliot & Sweet Mama
 Austin dressed as an Angry Pig!
 taking a rest
 Xiao Li & Si si
 Vivi at least half dressed. Here we are playing charades. Vivi is truly being a monkey.

 I didn't think Viv's costume would last much longer than five minutes.
(This picture was taken by a friend while she was being unsupervised.... double dip, triple dip etc.)
 Thanks to Xiao Luo we had a great lunch together
 followed by some awesome chocolate cupcakes decorated by the birthday girl herself
The party's almost over, but age four has just begun!
 Baby O at 10 months
 Smiley Girl!

So far Olivet can say things like "mama, dada dada, nai nai (milk), ayi (auntie)" I think she will be walking soon. She stood by herself at least twice without holding on to anything for a few seconds :)
 Mom is going to bed now. That was a busy month. :)

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