Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Fall Fun

Lily got a package from her preschool in the U.S.! She gets more mail than I do.
Inside were sweet notes from old classmates, a dvd of the year and a cd of great music. Thanks Shepherd's Flock!! We miss you!!
We have been blessed to take a 2 1/2 week trip this month. We had a great time away and are also glad to be home.
This was Lily & Abby's first encounter in over a year and a half! They both have changed quite a bit, but their friendship remains the same- strong and silly!
Reuniting with some old (and excellent) friends!
Big sunday school class this morning!
Here is my good friend Ellen with the kids. She is so much fun.
Whistling A Tune
Some friends of ours graciously let us use their car for a week. Here is Dassah falling asleep. I have about a 10 picture play by play, but these two are the cutest.
She was not lacking an audience.
Yeay, moms! Here are some quality women I haven't seen in too long. It was great to reconnect.
Hadassah didn't know where to start since she usually eats the middle out of everything first.
Now that you ate your entire breakfasts, here's a treat! (McDonald's mini cones)
Fall Fun
More Fun at the Ball Pit

101 Faces with Lily
I was blessed to enjoy 2 days at a mom's conference. This is my sweet Korean roommate.
Then, onto Josh's marathon!! It was so cold and wet. The kids and I had a hard time just standing there for 10 minutes.
It was so cold, by the time my camera turned on, Josh was almost to the finish line! He's in the orange top and black pants.
Cold, Wet, & Satisfied Dad
Josh Hunt was so gracious to help the kids and I get to the finish line after a long treck on the subway. He also wanted to cheer on Josh.
Super Cade
Heroic Hudson
Amazing Abby
Laughing Lily

Twins waiting for the subway home.

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