Friday, April 03, 2009

March Happiness

You can sort of tell what each kid is thinking...
"Is this close enough?"
"Yes! Another chance to hold Dass!"
"My siblings adore me."
9 month picture... if you can believe this is the best of 5 shots.
Hadassah pulled a chair on her head right as I was heading out for 36 hours... hence the bump. It lasted quite a while.
Lily carrying Caedmon around, probably because she couldn't find Hadassah!
silly smiles
Think we can fit another?
Best Friends
and second best and third...
Airplane Cade to the doll cootie rescue
Mom at her job site
Dad at his job site

silly face salads

Hat's off to Hadassah for standing for 10 seconds straight today (didn't catch it on film)!
Happy to go for a Ride

This is what our almost daily trip to the fruit and veggie shop looks like.
("Mom! Come on!")
While I was gone, Josh took the kids out to eat. He got lots of help!
Hanging out until next time...

1 comment:

Sarah and Trevor Vordermann said...

ahhh they look so cute!! Love you guys...cant wait to see you!!!