Friday, November 10, 2006

I'm a stinker!

No, these aren't my new pants...

That's marker all over my legs!

Fun in the sun, uh, I mean snow

Caedmon, nums!

I love snow!

Lily and her (120+lb.) buddy Diggs playin in Green Bay


The Kilps Family said...

I can't believe all the snow you got! We heard about it on the news. Those pictures are Lily & Cade playing in the snow are adorable! We miss you guys.

Karen, Andy, & Isabella

chinatammy said...

Gorgeous pictures of the kids in the snow!!! Oh how I wish it were that white here! Even if we get snow, it won't be that white. . . oh well!! We keep praying for you and for your support! SO SO SO looking forward to seeing you in January! :)