Sunday, December 01, 2019

November Nights

It’s past my bedtime again!

Happy 10th Birthday Vivi! 
(The girls only ended up staying awake until 3am!)

Girls Night with Obs! 
We had fun making pb cookies

Turkey Trotters

seriously now

clothes dump at the change of season

a turkey day devo

cousins are simply the best

one of Cade’s many sneaky head shots on my phone

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Finally We Are Back!

 smart smiley guy
 luv from obs
 more auntie & boone baby cuddle time at ER’s Chili Cookoff!
 ryle taste testing our fresh produce from community share- being found out by the cop
 school days- the joy of old fashioned readers
 a half weeks’ worth of laundry folded- check
 this year’s first snowfall while sitting by the fire and holding sweet boone
 let’s all wear pink tops and jeans to church- and braided pig tails!

trying to stay warm