So this is what America is like!
Too bad my pictures are out of order. Oh well. We made it! It's been a month since we arrived and we are enjoying every bit of time with family we can get. The weather has been too cold to play outside on most days (I am not complaining- after not being here all winter with weather in the negatives most days!- just stating a fact :). But we have been able to venture out quite often.
Salads are so awesome! My favorite new topping: baby peppers from Mexico- bright red, orange and yellow- yum!
Best friends!
no, really now
(like mother-in-law like son-in-law...)
While my sister was in labor/ at the hospital with her 5th baby, (I don't even have a picture of sweet Theo- born 4/18/14) we took a couple of her kids to this awesome park in Green Bay- it has a huge buried looking boat the kids climbed on for hours.
What a view!
The bay area is still mostly frozen over!
smile if you're warm enough
Danielle with sweet baby Reuel (pronounced "Rule") getting some fresh air at the park.
One thing I love about this crazy life and following the awesome Father that we do, is all the surprises we get! I ran into one of my high school friends and Phil & Danielle's church- we haven't seen each other in a long time! She came over to play with her 2 sweet kids that I wish we had more time to hang out with. Here is Amara (2nd from left, not counting the doll).
Caedmon & Deacon
(sounds like the name of either a law firm or a pretty cool band)
Back to the first night we arrived in America! Hardly anyone got hardly any sleep on the plane (insert sounds of mom crying here). It really wasn't that bad. It could always be worse! The kids did sleep a good chunk of the 3-4 hour drive from Chicago to Appleton.
Josh's family was so sweet to drive to a half way point just for hugs and hellos (and mall food court food). It was so so so nice to see them and to reunite with family again after a long time.
So when we arrived to the apartment we would be living in, the kids started dropping like flies (sleeping flies).
My first bowl of cereal, again, after a LONG time! Underneath the amazing nuts and berries is Life cereal.
And look! A Bible verse on the egg carton. Sweet. Top 10 things you might never find in China...
Bill and Sue are our new friends who run the apartment we are living in (only for 9 more days :(...). They graciously provided a pack n' play and high chair and so much more. This apt. is loaded with sheets, towels, dishes... it feels like home.
Smile! (Who takes pictures of their sandwich lunches besides people who typically eat a fourth cup full of oil on their lunch meal?)
I think re-uniting with cousins is similar to scuba diving- the kids' eyes are opened to this whole new world of beauty and adventure!
now this is pizza
Tim & Josh digging in
These two princesses are un-seperable! Lily and Gretta have so much girly fun together. This week they plan to cut their hair together to donate to Locks of Love or a similar organization.
here are the supermen in our lives
Samurai Silas!
Combat Cade!
Sleuth Sam!
(Does Auntie Nanny let you jump on your beds?)
Leila had to have a turn!
Lovely Leila!
Boys + Swords = Fun
These two beauties were thrilled when GG took them to buy some new swimming suits. They even got to pick out WHATEVER one they wanted. (Just when you think you know someone :). Now... to simply wait until ALL the snow melts...
The parking lot in the back of our apt building
We are so thankful for provisions!!! We used the red car for a while, but now it's being fixed. It was handy for quick runs to the Y or to get groceries- hopefully it will be up and running again soon! The big white van has been amazing!! It's a 12 seater- so there's room and then some for whole family + friends + groceries. Look out!
back yard fun
(There's a baseball diamond next door- Josh can watch the baseball games from the window in the room he is using for an office!)
at the park with GG on a cold day
ok, where's mom?
Chocolate chip coconut bread machine bread. Fun.
These 3 played for about 2 hours with bubbles on the table on our porch.
Auntie Nanny & Uncle Tim's back yard
I am now wondering where her jacket was for this photo... and pants and socks...
Giggles all around
watch out for bugs!
After this one I couldn't watch anymore :)
Olivet at the sandbox, about 2 weeks before she decided to give herself a haircut (today). She currently has a line of bangs right above her eyebrows.
Nat, My, and Danielle's kids are ages: 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,2,1,0,0
Nice day for some sweet shots (in order of availabliity)!
Here is Gretta!
We love it when more Aunties and Uncles come to visit!
Here is Uncle Jim with Vivi being goofy!
August & Aunt Sally sharing a smile!
Thank you Mimi and Papa for some fun new toys!!!
Olivet picked this out on her own. Maybe the girl on the front reminded her of Lily :).
I'm still trying to figure out what kind of doll these are. They are a knock-off brand of American Girl Dolls (I think??) sold at Target. This one came with a book and a bunch of accessories for a pretty good deal.
Of course Lily chose another doll. That's probably why Hadassah and Vivianna chose a doll too :).
I haven't seen Vivi play with this doll yet though I think the time will come. She would rather body slam a sibling to the ground or jump on someone or something.
iphone for August- He knew just how to operate it :)
Nerf Bow & Arrow for Cade! He is all business.
Thanks again Mimi & Papa! Mom is happy with the hours of entertainment these toys bring!
Berries that didn't break the bank account! (More pricey in China). So yummy.
Another Auntie visit! (If someone asks the kids where they got something, they usually reply, "from one of momma's Aunts!) Sweet Aunt Becky brought over this amazing feast- a kids meal for all (!!!), salads for adults, and Dilly Bars from DQ for dessert!! We had such a great visit- but it was too short.
So I don't remember the date, but it snowed less than 2 weeks ago (Mid April). What?! Maybe we should have picked up some gloves for all!
Our kids may have been the only happy ones on the block :).
We actually got the rakes out the day before this!
The front of the complex
I know the sky can't be closer in America than it is in China, but it feels closer. We are still in the compare and contrast stage of reverse culture shock and are thankful for any who will listen to our silly rantings.
I'm pretty sure the ground is a little crooked here in the U.S. Just kidding. Seriously though, what a great picture! (well, besides the telephone pole that was pretty close to the highway we were driving down :).
((I wonder if I looked like a tourist??))
Lily started keeping track of all the days in a row someone has stopped to visit. Her results were unanimous! Guests everyday! The kids have enjoyed more sleepovers this month than possibly in their whole lives combined.
sharing fads
Maybe my lens was too cold to open properly. We did have to cut this walk short due to the cutting feeling the wind left on our faces!
(Notice Dass hanging out in someone's yard. Private property? Public sidewalks? Huh?)
Trying to stay warm Leila
Not our best photo together, but life is always more fun with my sister in it!
This was a cute find. I didn't know about this little craft time station with dad until I saw the pics on the computer.
what to do when it's too cold to play outside... see how long you can stand on your head!
Back at the Wooden Ship Park... You can fill in the captions :)
(Any creative captions? I would love to hear!)
(Ex. 11. Go Grandma!)
Back in China! Ha. We were sent off feeling loved, supported & cared for!
Michelle's amazing Thai food
From one dining room table...
to the next!
(Our first night in the U.S.)
We are only in this apt for 1.5 months. It has been an amazing stay.
I just couldn't get over how white, sparkly and clean everything looked. 5 weeks later I'm used to it and enjoyed a normal day of cleaning.
Huge closets in each room! (We actually moved Broady into this closet so Josh could use Broady's room for an office :)
Lil, Viv & Olivet's room- perfect!
"Mom! Grandma's are awesome!"
Phil & Josh have been able to get in a few rounds of darts this month for old time's sake over the snack of choice- taco Doritos.
Our first reunion in a long time! We haven't seen each other in a year! (Baby Reuel was still in the belly at this point :)
Lil so excited to see Auntie Danielle
It was so great to have some really nice times together with Danielle before her baby came. And now we love to celebrate that he is here! (Born on 4/4/14- 5 days after we got here).
Last night the 4 of us enjoyed one game of Dominion and one game of Puerto Rico (Danielle dominated both games! And I came in second!)
momma mia
Hadassah & Cade's room
all are happy to eat cereal with real Wisconsin milk!
(what will this crew look like in 10 years?!?)
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